Firstly, you need to add a Signature or Initials appearance. Click here to learn how to add a Signature appearance and here to learn how to add an Initials appearance.
You can sign a file in the Fill & Sign module in 3 easy steps.
Step 1 – Open Fill & Sign
- Open the Fill & Sign module and choose either Signature or Initials.
Step 2 – Place the signature
- Click on the place where you want your signature to appear.
- You can click on the signature to select it and drag it to move it around.
Step 3 – Configure signature options
- Click on the circle in the right bottom corner of the signature and drag it to change the size of your signature.
- Alternatively, you can click on Reduce size/Increase size buttons to change the signature’s size.
- Click on the circle icon to change the color of your signature.
- Check the box next to Use for signatures and initials.
- Click on the three dots icon to change the field type. You can replace your signature with your initials, a checkmark, or other shapes.
- Click on the bin icon to delete the signature.
We also have the E-Sign module that allows you to electronically sign PDFs and track and manage e-signatures in real time.
If the E-Sign module is not available for you, you can purchase it here.