There are a few reasons why you see PDF Architect Free instead of your paid product. In this article, we'll cover the different ways this can happen and how to get PDF Architect up and running.
Double-check the email address on your PDF Architect account
Your product was added to a PDF Architect account linked to the email used during purchase. Please make sure you are logged into PDF Architect using the account associated with the purchase email. Click here to learn more about activating PDF Architect.
You can confirm the email you used for the purchase by pulling up your invoice here.
Are you connected to the internet?
PDF Architect will double-check with our servers every couple of weeks to make sure your product is still valid. If PDF Architect does not maintain an internet connection it may revert to PDF Architect Free.
All you need to do is connect the system to the internet. When you next log in to PDF Architect, with an active internet connection, you'll regain access to your paid products.
Unfortunately, there is no way around needing the internet. Feel free to let us know in the comments on this article if you need an offline version of PDF Architect, and why!
Your renewal date has passed
The most frequent case is that something may have blocked the transaction when processing your renewal. Whether you received a new card (new expiration date and CCV) or anything else transpired, you will need to update your card information.
If you received an email saying you were successfully charged, double check you are logged into PDF Architect, with the email address where you received the purchase confirmation.
If you are not sure, you can verify the status of your product in your account area.
Step 1 - Head to My Products
- Click on this link to go to the My Products page in the PDF Architect Account area.
- You may need to log in to your account before it loads.
Step 2 - Check the status of your product
- Click on Manage Products.
You'll see the renewal date information for your products.
If you'd like to discuss this further with a support representative, you can open a case.
You can send us a message by clicking on Contact us on our main support page.
*You will need to enter your email address. A security code will be sent to you. Enter the code and click on Validate. You will then be able to open a request.
If you don't have PDF Architect yet, you can purchase it here.