In this article you will learn the necessary steps to install PDF Architect via GPO. There are two methods that will be covered.
- The first method uses a script that allows you to define parameters to customize your installation.
- The second method is the standard one, the application will install without any customization.
You can download the PDF Architect 7 installation packager here.
You can download the PDF Architect 6 installation packager here.
Method 1
You will create an administrative image for future installation over the network. The PDF Architect GPO package contains a variety of MSIs. These will be installed individually based on your need.
Each installation file contains an administrative execution sequence for creating a server image.
Below is a list of installation files available within the PDF Architect application:
NOTE: You will be able to use the same server image for future deployment.
To create your script, follow the steps below:
- Open Notepad and type the command lines as follows:
The first command line you should run is the “startup” MSI. Below is the command line you should use. When installing this MSI, you will need to attach the license key you want to use for activation.
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-startup-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect6-startup-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
To add a license key, use this parameter on the Startup MSI:
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-secure-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-review-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-ocr-tess-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-ocr-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-ms-office-add-ins-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-insert-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-forms-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-edit-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-create-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-convert-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-asian-and-extended-font-pack-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-business-module-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
- It’s time to add your custom parameters. Each will be applied to the Startup MSI. See the sample below:
msiexec.exe /a "pdf-architect7-startup-" TARGETDIR="C:\Deployment\" /quiet
Most parameters are set by using 1 for Yes and 0 for No, these commands are:
Disabling any of the options below will prevent end users from accessing these features while using PDF Architect (set it to =0):
The APPLICATION_LANGUAGE parameter is set by adding the language code matching the one you want to use when installing PDF Architect. The available codes are:
Language | Code |
English | en |
French | fr |
German | de |
Spanish | es |
Italian | it |
Japanese | ja |
Russian | ru |
Portuguese | pt |
The following command line parameters can also be set within the PDF Architect 7 installation process:
Command line parameter |
Result |
CREATE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT | Creates a shortcut for the application on the desktop. (All Users) |
CREATE_QUICK_LAUNCH_SHORTCUT | Creates a shortcut for the application in the current user's QuickLaunch directory. (All Users) |
ENABLE_AUTOMATIC_UPDATES | Enables automatic updates of the application (All Users) |
SET_AS_DEFAULT_APPLICATION | Sets the application as the default application to open .pdf files. (Current User) |
APPLICATION_LANGUAGE | Specifies the application languages that will be installed (All Users) |
ENABLE_BUSINESS | Installs the B2B version |
ENABLE_ONE_DRIVE | Enables OneDrive (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\onedrive) |
ENABLE_ONE_DRIVE_BUSINESS | Enables OneDrive for Business (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\onedrive-business) |
ENABLE_DROPBOX_DRIVE | Enables Dropbox (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\dropbox) |
ENABLE_DROPBOX_BUSINESS_DRIVE | Enables Dropbox for Business (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\dropbox-business) |
ENABLE_GOOGLE_DRIVE | Enables Google Drive (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\googledrive) |
ENABLE_BOX_DRIVE | Enables Box (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\box) |
ENABLE_SHAREPOINT_DRIVE | Enables SharePoint (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\sharepoint) |
ENABLE_SEND_FILE | Enables Send feature (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\send) |
ENABLE_DRIVES | Enables all drives (Software\PDF Architect 7\Drives\drives) |
In addition to the parameters listed above, there are a few options that can be applied to the View Module during installation.
Feature | Description |
MAIN_FEATURE | Installs the main part of the application (mandatory) |
VIEWER_FIREFOX_FEATURE | Installs the PDF Architect Viewer in the Firefox browser |
VIEWER_IE_FEATURE | Installs the PDF Architect Viewer in IE |
Installs the PDF Architect Viewer in Explorer and Microsoft Outlook |
SHORTCUTS_FEATURE | Creates a shortcut for the application on the desktop as well as in the current user's QuickLaunch directory. (All Users) |
PDF Architect Create module has several features, which modify application options at the installation stage:
PLUGIN_FEATURE | Installs the main module part (mandatory) |
WORD_FEATURE | Installs the PDF Architect Plug-in in MS Word |
EXCEL_FEATURE | Installs the PDF Architect Plug-in in MS Excel |
POWERPOINT_FEATURE | Installs the PDF Architect Plug-in in MS PowerPoint |
PUBLISHER_FEATURE | Installs the PDF Architect Plug-in in MS Publisher |
OUTLOOK_FEATURE | Installs the B2B version |
CONTEXT_MENU_FEATURE | Makes the conversion features available in the Windows Explorer context menu |
- Once you have copied all your MSI command lines and parameter amendments to your Notepad file, save your file to the same folder with the MSIs.
- Change its extension to bat format.
Applying your script:
- Open the Group Policy Management snap in
- Right-click on the relevant organization unit folder.
- Select Create a GPO in this domain, and link it here…
The New GPO window will open.
- Enter a Name
- Click OK to create the new GPO
- Right-click on the item.
- Click Edit:
- Navigate to Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) folder
- Right-click on your object
- Select Properties
- In the Startup Properties dialog box, click Add…,
- The Add a Script box will open.
- Click Browse.
- Go to the folder with the PDF Architect 7 MSIs.
- Select the script file you created.
- Click Open.
- The Script Name field will now display the script path.
- Click OK.
- In the Startup Properties box, click Apply then OK.
Method 2
You can install the software without additional parameters:
- Open the Group Policy Management snap in.
- Right-click the necessary organization unit folder.
- Select Create a GPO in this domain, and link it here….
The New GPO window will open.
- Provide a Name field
- Click OK to create the new GPO.
- Right-click to open the menu.
- Click Edit.
- In the Group Policy Management Editor, navigate to Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Software Settings -> Software Installation.
- Right-click in the area on the right.
- Select New -> Package.
NOTE: Computer Configuration block allows you to apply changes to all users. If you want to define the appropriate settings for one individual user, navigate to the User Configuration block.
- Find the folder with the PDF Architect 6 MSIs.
- Select the startup MSI.
- Click Open.
The Deploy Software dialog box will open.
- Select Assigned
- Click OK:
NOTE: The Advanced option enables you to define the additional parameters (for more information, see page 8-10 in the source document:
- Repeat the same actions for each MSI you want to install.
PDF Architect will be installed at the next login.
Using Orca.exe from Windows SDK to create an MSI transform (MST) for the PDF Architect package
MST file allows incorporating all the installation properties into single file so you don’t need to put them into command line directly. If you prefer to set up the properties through command line you can skip this chapter. Launch the Orca.exe and select the PDF Architect startup package. All the settings make sense for this package only.
From the Transform menu select New Transform.
Select the Property table and add the PRODKEY property.
Edit the rest of properties to make the transform, which meets your requirements. In the picture an automatic updates have been turned on and an application language has been set to English.
From the Transform menu select Generate Transform and save the transform to file.