- In the Create & Convert Module choose Advanced and click on the PDF to RTF option.
- You will need to decide which pages in your PDF will be converted. Select from one of the available options.
- Click the Folder icon to change where PDF Architect will save your file.
- Click on the three dots in the corner to open more settings.
- You can choose to apply the OCR engine when converting. This will let you edit any scanned documents in whichever program you are using for your RTF files.
If the OCR module is not available for you, you can purchase it here.
- If there are tables in your PDF, you can have PDF Architect retain those tables. This feature needs to be enabled for you to use it. Check the box next to Detect and Convert Table.
- By default, your file will open. Uncheck the box next to Open MS RTF Document after conversion to prevent the file from opening.
- Click the Make Default button to use the selected settings moving forward.
- When you are ready click on Export to turn your PDF into an RTF file.
When your file is finished converting you will see the notification.
In the event you have any trouble with conversion, click here for help.
We provide a quick conversion tool for users to convert the file without opening up any program.
- Navigate to the part of your computer where the file is saved.
- Right-click on the file.
- Expand the PDF Architect option and choose Convert to RTF.